
Five Feet Apart quotes

Five Feet Apart has won the GoodReads best YA Fiction Award of Year 2019. I guess this is the perfect time to read these Five Feet Apart Quotes to relive the memories of the book.

The book has written by Rachael Lippincott with the help of two contributors — Mikki Daughtry and Tobias Iaconis.

This is a love story of two teens who cannot be together because of their disease. The distance of six feet seems larger to them and feels like a rude punishment.

But what’s the point, you have already read the book, and that’s why you are here. To read the best quotes from the Five Feet Apart book.

Best Quotes- 

1. “You need to lighten up. It's just life. It'll be over before you know it.” - Will

2. “Nothing is going to save our lives. We're breathing borrowed air. Enjoy it.” - Will

3. “How long will I live my life afraid of what-ifs?” - Will

4. “I am not going far, I'll always be here. Just an inch away, I promise.” - Stella

5. “Don't think about what you've lost, Think of how much you have to gain Live, Stella.” - Will

6. “Let me guess. You're the kind of guy that ignores the rules because it makes you feel in control. Am I right?” - Stella

7. “I think about that last breath a lot. Gasping for air, not getting any. No air, just black. But that's only on Mondays. Otherwise, I don't dwell on it.” - Will

8. “We need that touch from the one we love, almost as much as we need air to breathe. But I never understood the importance of touch, his touch, Until I couldn't have it.” - Stella

9. “Fun fact, a cough can travel six feet, a sneeze can travel up to two hundred miles per hour. But the "no saliva" thing also means no kissing. Ever. So, our best defense is distance. Six feet at all times.” - Stella

10. “I don’t want to leave you, but I love you too much to stay.”

11. “If I’m going to die, I’d like to actually live first.”

12. “Everyone in this world is breathing borrowed air.”

13. “…I want to be fearless and free. It’s just life, Will. It’II be over before we know it.”

14. “If this year has taught me anything, it’s that grief can destroy a person."

15. “I know in that moment, even though it could not be more ridiculous, that if I die in there, I won’t die without falling in love.”

16. “So is your plan to die really, really smart so you can join the debate team of the dead?"

17. “For the first time I feel the weight of every single inch, every millimeter, of the six feet between us.”

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